Lauren Scranton
Lauren Scranton is NAC’s knowledge and innovation leader. She works to expand the firm’s expertise in how architects and educators can work together to design innovative learning environments. Lauren is most interested in personalized learning for students and integrating new and emerging media and information technology, that supports social and emotional development for learners of all ages.
How can we prepare students for careers in science and technology?
Just what do you do with that monolithic concrete building on campus that is just too over-sized and inflexible to adapt to present day requirements of openness and transparency?
What are artworxLA’s thoughts on the future of education and how are they involved with the XQ Super School Project?
What could be possible when technology becomes the vehicle for an improved college experience?
How does outdoor learning impact students?
What are some important takeaways from the “Learning Environments for Tomorrow: Next Practices for Educators and Architects” workshop?
What kind of valuable feedback have we received through post-occupancy evaluations?
What are the benefits of having an entrepreneur center on campus?
What are some takeaways from the 2017 SXSWedu?
What is the purpose of living-learning communities at MSU, and how are they structured?
Is the built environment of student housing enriching or impoverishing the educational experience?